Greetings! This first University Policy Spotlight will focus on University Policy 10:7,
Emergency Closings. Please keep reading to learn more about this important policy.
Why is this policy in place?
This policy contains the guidelines for canceling classes or closing the university due to emergencies, including inclement weather.
What does this policy say?
Under the policy, the university remains open in all but the most extreme situations. Unless an emergency closing is formally announced, all employees including faculty are expected to report to work. Campus closings may occur for reasons including:
- Emergencies where law enforcement prohibits travel
- A facility is damaged or destroyed due to an emergency
- An emergency has made an office or function non-essential
- Law enforcement, SDSU's Emergency Management Team, or the SD Department of Public Safety deems the campus a danger and orders evacuation
- Inclement weather jeopardizes individual safety and it is determined too dangerous to allow commuting to campus
Who decides if campus is closed for an emergency?
The University President, in consultation with the Chair of SDSU's Emergency Management Team, makes the decision to close campus. At off-campus or Extension centers, the decision to close will be made by the on-site director or Director of Extension, as appropriate, in consultation with the Chair of SDSU's Emergency Management Team.
If classes are canceled, does that mean campus is also closed?
Not necessarily. Classes may be canceled for emergencies, yet the University campus may remain open. When the decision has been made to cancel classes, all non-instructional staff are expected to report to work.
Who decides if classes are canceled for an emergency?
The decision to cancel classes due to an emergency, including inclement weather, will be made by the University President in consultation with the Provost and the Chair of SDSU's Emergency Management Team. At off-campus centers, the decision to cancel classes will be made by the on-site director in consultation with the Provost and the Chair of SDSU's Emergency Management Team.
How are emergency closings communicated?
The university will use its Campus Alert System to notify employees of a closing or class cancelation. Make sure your contact information is current and that your contact preferences are set. Additionally, University Marketing and Communications will communicate with local radio stations and/or other media to announce the emergency closing.
What if campus is open but I do not feel comfortable commuting due to the weather?
Employees who feel they cannot safely reach the worksite should take appropriate action to notify their supervisor that they will be absent from work. Employees who do not report to work or wish to leave early have the option of taking approved leave, leave without pay, or adjusting the work week. Supervisory approval is required for any of the options.
If an emergency closing occurs, do I need to use leave?
If the offices at the university are closed due to an emergency, including inclement weather, the following provisions apply:
- Non-essential, leave-accruing employees will be granted paid administrative leave. (Non-leave accruing temporary employees and students do not qualify for administrative leave.)
- Essential employees must report to work at prearranged worksites, unless otherwise instructed.
Whether your position is essential or non-essential depends on the type of emergency situation. Please check with your supervisor for confirmation.
What if I am a remote employee?
If an employee has a remote work agreement and their primary work location is not disrupted by the event, they will not receive administrative leave since their work location is still available. If an employee has an approved remote work assignment to work from home and the campus is closed, they would not be eligible for administrative leave since the campus is not their designated worksite and they can work at their remote worksite.
What if I have requested leave or am out on leave on the day of the emergency closing?
If an employee has requested leave in advance of the notification of emergency administrative leave, the employee will not be allowed to modify or delete their leave request unless they work as an essential employee or the emergency prevented them from attending or participating in their planned leave activity.
For additional information, please refer to University Policy 10:7 and the SDBOR Guide to Administrative Leave. Additionally, you may contact the Office of General Counsel with any questions.