For the second consecutive year, South Dakota State University has broken its research expenditures record. Research expenditures for fiscal year 2024 reached $84 million — a 13.5% increase from last year's record of $74 million.
Research proposals for fiscal year 2024 totaled just over $270 million — also up from the previous year of $155 million.
Traffic incidents that cause delays on busy highways and freeways are not only frustrating but costly. While millions of Americans spend hours stuck in traffic, the U.S. economy loses an estimated $87 billion annually from congestion and delays.
Kaiqun Fu is an assistant professor in South Dakota State University's McComish Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. For the last few years, Fu has been utilizing artificial intelligence to study traffic patterns and speed data, which he is using to develop a predictive solution that would help in alleviating traffic congestion and delays.
Faculty members and recent graduates of South Dakota State University's College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions had a productive summer of research with six publications produced on a diverse range of subjects including drug delivery for chronic gut disorders; billing for pharmacy services; community pharmacy and medication therapy management; and approaches to pharmacy education.
A new project from South Dakota State University’s School of Health and Human Sciences, led by assistant professor Allison Barry, will develop a strategic plan to incorporate physical activity and nutritional strategies in rural volunteer fire departments nationwide. Barry's project is backed by a $600,00 grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency. This is the first FEMA grant in SDSU history.
Meniscus tears are a common knee injury — especially in contact sports like football — and affect over 1 million people annually. Solaiman Tarafder, assistant professor in South Dakota State University's Department of Mechanical Engineering, is using his expertise in biomaterials and tissue engineering to come up with a unique solution for meniscus tear repairs that could potentially improve outcomes while also speeding up the healing process.