Beverly Warne, a mentor within the College of Nursing Native American Nursing Education Center, was nominated for the South Dakota Hall of Fame by her classmates at the St. Johns McNamara School. After more than 50 years of work, dedicated to improving the lives of Native Americans and advancing the nursing profession, the nomination was beyond deserved.
The nursing simulation rooms inside South Dakota State University’s Wagner Hall have been renamed to honor some of the most impactful alumni and philanthropists from the College of Nursing. A ceremony to celebrate the renaming was held Oct. 7.
A key to simulations is to create scenarios that mirror real-world situations as much as possible. To create as realistic scenarios as possible, faculty in the Healthcare Simulation Center added a new element to their simulations: actors and actresses byway of SDSU’s Theatre Department.
Emily Jarding has served in the Air Force since 2007, when she graduated from SDSU with a nursing degree and was commissioned out of ROTC as a second lieutenant. In 15 years with Uncle Sam, Jarding has had seven (California, Germany, Alaska, Hawaii, Colorado, Japan, Hawaii) assignments and held nine addresses.
Alyssa Zweifel, healthcare simulation center director for the College of Nursing at South Dakota State University, was honored by her peers at the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning Conference in Milwaukee June 17.